Archibio @ Clementinum
Clementinum, National Library of the Czech Republic will host project ArchiBio during the Prague light festival Signal 2013. Unique location directly in the heart of the magic city!
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Additional links:
Interactive Photosynth collection of Clementinum courtyard http://photosynth.net/view.aspx?cid=9d31c75f-8e04-43c7-b33e-e36732b6284c
Interactive Photosynth panorama of Clementinum courtyard http://photosynth.net/view.aspx?cid=e8da4e70-4f42-42a8-b563-201031b108e5
Special thanks:
Lenka Abessi, The National library of the Czech Republic
Irena Maňáková, The National library of the Czech Republic